Building of a media center in Sopron
Principal: NMHH Zrt
Project: The media center was created by converting the existing pillar building, creating a new roof structure and facade, adding canopies and entrances, creating modern horticulture and paving around the building.
The studios are located on the top floor, for which purpose a floor completely enclosed with reinforced concrete walls and ceiling was created. The curved concrete ceiling was clad on the outside with an ALU composite panel in white, which connects from above to the PVC flat roof insulation. The external units of the heat pumps were made on the building roof. The facade was also built in white with the installation of 800 m2 element wall panels, these were attached to a reinforced concrete frame with a steel support structure. About 200 m2 of the element wall were made of exposed concrete facade panels with photo concrete, which mainly shows a special appearance from the street front.
An elevator with a reinforced concrete shaft was built in the building to ensure handicapped accessible access. The usable area of the building is 800 m2, 200 m2 per floor with an approx. 20 m2 staircase. The building services and electrical systems as well as the server units were housed in the basement. The floors, partitions, plastering and ceilings in the building are mainly made with drywall technology. The studios were made with acoustic walls, perforated suspended ceilings, perforated wall coverings, special soundproof doors.
In-situ concrete floor construction was only produced in the social areas and in the storage areas in the basement.
Az épületben magas szintű gépészeti és villamos berendezések kerültek elhelyezésre, hőszívattyúk biztosítják az épület fűtését és melegvíz ellátását, továbbá gépi szellőzés biztosítja a folyamatos légcserét, valamint a világítást sávos led világítótestek bitosítják. A berendezések KNX épületfelügyeleti rendszerrel üzemel.
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