Experience, past and future.

Build on us and with us!

Discover the range of our services and learn more about our activities!



STETTIN-HUNGARIA is a medium-sized construction company with a stable, international background and has been active in Hungary for several decades.

STETTIN-HUNGARIA Magas- és Mélyépítőipari Kft was founded in 1993, with its headquarters in Sopron at Somfalvi u. 14 and branch office in Budapest in the 11th district at Dombóvári út 9.

The company is owned by ÖSTU-STETTIN Hoch- und Tiefbau GmbH and is part of the HABAU GROUP. The HABAU GROUP employs around 6,500 people in almost 18 group companies with a total annual turnover of 1.9 billion euros and is active in 13 countries.

In the last thirty years, STETTIN-HUNGARIA Kft has developed into one of the leading, stable, general construction companies in the Hungarian construction industry. Its equity exceeds HUF 1.5 billion, its activities cover the full range of general construction services. Our references include the construction of industrial, commercial, public buildings and residental buildings, as well as our significant reference in the field of building renovation.

The technical background for the activity is provided by the company’s modern machinery and equipment park, as well as its central site, which is located on an area of 8 ha. It has several factory halls, where the production of steel and tunnel formwork also takes place.

Our construction sites are managed by our employees with several years of professional experience. During the construction activity we perform the master’s work with our own specialists, the professional work with our subcontractors who have been in a contractor relationship for several years.

In the field of construction of industrial facilities, our main clients include ROTO ELZETT CERTA Kft, IKEA Industry Kft, ALPLA Industrial Hungary Kft, HEINEKEN Hungária Sörgyárak Zrt.

During our construction work in residental buildings, we have built hundreds of flats in recent years, on behalf of local governments and real estate development companies.

We have built, converted and expanded numerous shops for the grocery retail sector.

Among our completed projects are new buildings and conversions of hotel complexes, as well as building renovations and revitalisations of listed buildings in the public sector, such as the new construction of the Szt. Margit Church or the complete renovation including structural reinforcement of the Fire tower in Sopron.

In its work, STETTIN-HUNGARIA attaches great importance to the flawless and timely fulfilment of orders, including attention to sustainability.

Our company can look back on more than


years of experience in general contractor construction.



Kóbor Csaba


Herbert Grünwald


Szabó Zsolt

Branch office manager Budapest

Stettin-Hungaria Magas- és Mélyépítőipari Kft.

H-9400 Sopron, Somfalvi u. 14.
Tel.: +36-99/513-290
Fax: +36-99/312-592
E-mail: sopron@stettin-hungaria.hu
GPS: N47° 41' 645" E16° 34' 048"

Kirendeltség Budapest Stettin-Hungaria Magas- és Mélyépítőipari Kft.

H-1118 Budapest, Budaörsi u. 125/A
Tel.: +36-1/345-7870
Fax: +36-1/422-1230
E-mail: budapest@stettin-hungaria.hu
GPS: N47° 27' 972" E19° 0' 859"

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